Optical Bright Semi-DullĄ]OBSDĄ^
ContentĄG100% Polyester
ColorĄGHigh White
Optical bright fibers
  allow the yarn,finished fabric and products to maintain its whiteness from new to used.
White fabrics and linen made from OBSD fiber that tends to stay white for its entire life.
ContentĄG100% Polyester
ColorĄGRaw White


Cotton is a natural fiber harvested from the cotton plant, with longer, smoother fibers, or the shorter and coarser old world varieties. While many fabrics are made completely of cotton, some materials blend cotton with other fibers, including rayon and synthetic fibers such as polyester. It can either be used in knitted or woven fabrics, as it can be blended with elastine to make a stretchier thread for knitted fabrics, and apparel such as stretch jeans.